Medicare: Take Advantage of Open Enrollment!

Are you in the best available Medicare plan for your situation? For many Medicare beneficiaries, the answer is no and that can be a costly mistake. A recent study by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that 71% of Medicare beneficiaries don't research their plan options when Open Enrollment comes around. But Medicare plans can make changes every year. Your current Medicare plan may be changing any of these important items: Deductibles Coinsurance Maximum out-of-pocket costs Premiums Care provider networks Prescription drugs and access. Prescription drug plans are particularly prone to making changes in their formulary of covered drugs, rules under…

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Want to be Prepared for Retirement? Work With a Professional

Did you know that people who use financial advisors are more likely to feel confident in their retirement preparedness than people who don’t? Well, according to a recent report from the LIMRA Secure Retirement Institute, it’s true. Reportedly, out of the pre-retirees surveyed by the LIMRA Secure Retirement Institute, 43% of those who work with an advisor claimed to feel well prepared for retirement. In contrast, only 21% of those who do not work with a financial advisor report feeling similarly confident. It Helps to Have a Plan Additionally, the survey found that having a formal, written retirement plan is…

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Close-up of man and younger woman examining car after accident.

Fender-benders – Your Guide to Minor Accidents

Accidents can happen all too easily; and, if not handled properly, the situation can quickly spin out of control. Imagine that you find yourself in this scenario: While behind the wheel, you misjudge the space between your car and the one in front of you when making a turn in close traffic. You tap the rear bumper of the car in front of you. The other driver gets out of their car to inspect the bumper. They appear to be unhurt, and you don’t see any noteworthy damage to the car either. The other driver tells you to forget about…

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Trends Are Favorable for Medicare Advantage Plans

Medicare Advantage plans continue growing in their attractiveness to seniors with their expanded benefits and higher quality of care. According to an industry group, the Alliance of Community Health Plans (ACHP), there are several positive trends for MA plans that are likely to continue. They offer a high quality of care Medicare rates MA plans on a "star rating" basis, with one star representing the lowest quality and five stars being the best. When the rating system began, about a quarter of MA members were in a plan rated four stars or higher. Eight years later, more than three-quarters were…

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Drugmakers Raise Prices under Cover of COVID-19

Drugmakers increased more brand-name list prices this January than in any other January in the past 10 years.  The month is marked by drug price increases every year, but a review by the nonprofit 46brooklyin found that pharmaceutical companies had pushed through 929 price increases in the first 25 days of the year. That's more than the 737 price hikes they made in all of January 2020. 46brooklyn also examined the top 25 drugs by gross spending in Medicare Part D and found that the pharmaceutical companies had increased the prices of 20 of them by an average of 4.3%…

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Why Even Single People Should Consider Life Insurance

Most singles be they in their 20s or even 50s do not carry life insurance. They reason that since they don't have spouses or dependents, there is no reason to purchase life insurance as their death won't leave anybody in a financial bind. But that reasoning is not always sound and there are a number of circumstances when a single person should consider carrying a life policy: They have debt One of the main expenditures of life insurance payout recipients is paying off the debts of the deceased policyholder. Singles may have debt and if anyone has co-signed on any…

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Feeling Down? Here Are Eight Natural Ways to Brighten Your Mood

It's normal for our mood and energy levels to fluctuate every now and then. However, it can affect our daily routine, including how we normally function in our everyday lives. This is especially true now, as the COVID-19 pandemic will have long-term effects on our collective mental health. While we can't always control what triggers our stress and mood changes, there are certain steps you can take to controlling them without having to resort to alcohol or other vices. Below are eight ways that you can boost your mood and mindset naturally.   Exercise Physical activity is one of the…

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How Rear AEB Technology Reduces Fender Benders

Have you ever been tailgating, and then the driver in front of you suddenly slams on their brakes? That situation requires swift reaction to avoid a collision. Fortunately, advanced safety systems are being unveiled every day in the auto industry that can prevent those types of accidents and make our roads safer for all users. A recent study looked at two types of automatic emergency braking (AEB) systems that have been touted as reducing vehicle collisions. What they found surprised them: Rear AEB systems had a considerably larger effect on reducing fender benders, while front AEB systems had a greater…

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